[Regia-NA] PC Beach-RE: Was sprang BILOXI

Matthew Marino list-regia-na@lig.net
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:49:58 -0400

   Snorkel! Not Scuba! To complicated, to risky ( can I assume the ear=20=

drums happened diving?). I only explore the deep blue sea with a hook=20
and bait. The reason I use an axe instead of a chain saw is that I know=20=

the axe will work when I get to the tree. Conservative to a fault,=20
that's me.

   I honestly don't mind the 16-21 crowd having a rowdy time, getting=20
silly and exploring hormonal effects. Heck, that's what you do when=20
your a dumb kid. It's part of growing up. What bugs me is the 30-40=20
year olds with 2-5 kids who are desperately trying to relive some=20
by-gone days. They drive down, get drunk act stupid and let their kids=20=

wander in between a storm sea and a highway unsupervised for many=20
hours. Had a 4 year old hang with me and my son most of a day and=20
no-one came looking for him. Let me tell you, where there are a lot of=20=

drunk, pretty teenage girls there are a lot of really scary old pervs=20
looking to take advantage of the situation. The media included. My=20
inlaws live next to a Sgt. in the PCB Police. Can't speak for the Chief=20=

but Drew is trying to keep these kids alive. He's seen more than his=20
share of dead bodies through falls off balconies( while drunk),=20
drowning(while drunk), vicious car accidents(because of drunk drivers)=20=

and murdered young women.

   Enough about PCB. That town is what it's people need it to be for=20
whatever reason. Love to visit, wouldn't want to live or work there.=20
Beaches are nice and you never get enough snow to have to shovel it.=20
Best Mini-golf  I've ever seen. Every place has it's good and bad=20
sides, even the sleepy little burg of Warren is full of dark and secret=20=

dangers mixed with the majestic oaks and serene fields with grazing=20

On Thursday, June 26, 2003, at 09:13 PM, Sudden Service #5 wrote:

>     If you can take a diving class & ask around you can find some good
> places to dive wrecks around PC, according to my daughter.  I can't=20
> dive any
> more, due to ruptured ear drums.  I did learn in CT, diving in lakes=20=

> back
> when I was stationed at Groton.  Now there was a "rich" environment,=20=

> along
> with ski boats to make surfacing an interesting proposition.  Now if=20=

> you
> want to go diving some place interesting go visit Sandy at home in Oz.=20=

>  I
> hear they have some interesting fish & coral down there.
>     The Beach is it's own world, it is where all the repressed =
> youth go to rebel against the social confinement that they suffer=20
> under in
> their home towns/counties.  It is big enough that they are not likely=20=

> for
> the local Preacher to see them making fools of themselves or drunk in=20=

> the
> middle of the street.  The average age on the Miracle Mile is likely=20=

> to be
> 19 years old & that includes the old folks like my daughter who is 28.
> Supposedly the drinking has been decreased since they raised the age=20=

> to 21.
> The cops there are still the typical Southern Cops, the Police Chief=20=

> was
> just in the news for telling the "Girls Gone Wild" production crew =
> anyone encouraging anyone to take their cloths off would be arrested. =20=

> He is
> also well known to bust those kids who are caught drinking under age.
> Pax,
> Olaf
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wulfhere se Treowryhta" <wulfhere@masspostroad.net>
> Yup, that's the place. I have mixed emotions on the Florida beaches.
> Sugar sand is comfy to walk on and doesn't get hot, but sticks like
> glue and is BORING to snorkel around. Other problem is that when the
> water gets warm it gets "RICH". Not that the sea water here in
> Massachusetts isn't a varitable soup, but when it's 84=BA it seems =
> in a way 65=BA never does, much like Stout. It's still a cheap =
> Believe it or not they are building even more hotels on the beach
>    There are some unspoiled places I will admit. Mexico Beach and the
> shore behind Tyndall AFB are wild. Mom-in-law almost grabbed a small
> gator by the tail because she doesn't wear her glasses at the beach =
> thought it was drift wood. The jump and hiss clued her in. =
> is beautiful, more like a small southern town on the gulf.  Don't mean
> to pick on it so. The locals are mostly hard working, good people and
> the most obnoxious tourist I've run into were all from "up North".
> Folks do suffer from what we call the Port Authority Syndrome. Take =
> Ferry to Nantucket in November and the sailors are as friendly and
> helpful as can be. In August, they harbor a deep and merciless hatred
> for humanity. The only time we really can't handle in PCB is spring
> break. How such a holy rolling part of the bible belt ended up as the
> center of leacherous college headonism is beyond me. Church, bar,
> church, Club LaVela, church, porn shop, church, bar, etc. on down the
> strip.
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