[Regia-NA] RE: Getelds

Patchett list-regia-na@lig.net
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 09:17:25 -0400

Robert Woodman wrote:

> I wrote to The Huscarls asking what they think of the tents they have 
> from BOJO and they replied saying they have no idea who or what BOJO 
> is and that they make all their tents themselves. They hope to have a 
> web site with step by step guide on how to make them up soon. They 
> said they will put me on a list of people to notify when it's done.
On that note, I would like to mention that some of the folks from 
Wynmerestow made getelds last year.  We finally have 3 sets of plans on 
our web site for various sizes, including step by step sewing 
directions.  1, marked Foote and Grainne's plans, has a separate ridge 
cap.  (look at the article for sewing directions)  The other 2 are tents 
that Edward and I produced.  1 large one 1 small one.  Both of these 
tents have an integral ridge sleeve. Check the plan if you're not sure 
what I mean.

Check them out at :   http://www.regia.ca

Follow the link to Articles and then to Anglo Saxon tents (getelds). 
 This part of the site isn't real pretty, but it does have some good 

Please let us know if it's useful or if you need more information.
