[Regia-NA] Alfred the Great vote

J K Siddorn list-regia-na@lig.net
Sun, 14 Dec 2003 13:52:54 -0000


My thanks to all those who took the trouble to cast their votes in favour of King Alfred as it worked, he was Voted The
Greatest Westerner by a narrow majority on the BBC One Politics Show this lunchtime. William Tyndale was the other front
runner and I understand that the Tyndale Society has run a similar campaign amongst its members. Despite their best
efforts, Regia's support turned the scale and we won the day.

Yours truly had a fair amount of screen time - basically as I was the only one in costume at the debate! - and was able
to be nasty about The Vikings in a two shot with David Garmston, the presenter.

All in all, it has certainly not done Regia any harm at all and has raised our media image in an area in which we have
not previously featured.

Thanks again guys ;o))


Kim Siddorn
