[Regia-NA] Re: [Regia-LHE] Looming over us

Ian Uzzell list-regia-na@lig.net
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 23:15:33 +0100

--you Brits are so lucky, we probably wont have anything as cool as the
'camps' you all have over there for quite some time;(

but the reenactment movement is at least starting to move over here so some
day we might;)


Yes we are lucky with some of the things that we do.  Our weekend at Bede's
World is not a Regia Event as we also help to run a small group (Theod) that
specialise in Early Saxon period  (before Regia's period).  We get to live
in the reconstructed Anglo Saxon Houses at Bede's World www.bedesworld.co.uk
and at West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village

But of course we also do the Regia shows which are mostly tented

Ian Uzzell
(Billa when I am a Saxon)