[Regia-NA] getelds

Douglas Sunlin list-regia-na@lig.net
Mon, 03 Jun 2002 09:26:57 -0700

Certainly, Martin! I would add that if you are going to inject AE or ON 
phrases into your interpretation, get the pronunciation down. At Ft Mac (Los 
Angeles)in July, we will be having a guest, who is not only a crack musical 
instrument builder, but skilled at Old Norse and Old English. I hope that we 
will have time for some instruction.
<><><> <><><> <><><>

>From: "Martin  Field" <marfield66@sympatico.ca>
>I'm trying to encourage the  members of a nearby SCA group who will be
>participating in an Anglo-Saxon village event to at least speak some easy 
>learn one-liners associated to their trade or status. Even if thay say to
>the public "good morning" or "good afternnoon, my name is ..."  - "Good
>mergen, min nama is ...."  "Good afen, min nama is ........"
>Out of  curiosity, how many of us can speak some Old Norse or Old Engilsh ?

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