[Regia-NA] Canadian group?

bfiset list-regia-na@lig.net
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 05:46:36 -0700 (PDT)

Canada is a vast country....
Where are you from... I am in Quebec city 


>On Sun, 28 Jul 2002 19:02:55 -0400 "Pete Vanderzwet"
<admin@pharaonicegypt.com> wrote.
>I was just looking at the Regia Anglorum website and found that you have

>members in Canada?  As a Canadian I am becoming increasingly frustrated

>there are absolutely no reenactment/living history groups focusing on this

>period of English history.  In fact, aside from the War of 1812 (hardly the

>right period) there is nothing here to reenact.


>Do you guys have a small group here in Canada doing reenactments?  If so,

>where abouts is it and who can I contact for further information?


>I'm almost at the point of trying to start a group myself, so this would be

>a load off my shoulders if I could find a responsible, historically

>authentic group to join.


>Thank you, 


>Pete Vanderzwet

